Tuesday 26 October 2010

Grey Inspiration

How do I feel today? Tired. Grumpy. Tired.

It could be the events of yesterday. It could be the weather.

but no, it is my neighbour! Doing DIY and banging away after 11 last night. I go to bed pretty religously at 10 each night. I was proud of myself though. I put some clothes on and my slippers and knocked and had a wee chat with them. And then I went home and slept.

A couple of years ago I wouldn't have done that for sure! F was proud of me, and said so to....

So today I went back to work when all I wanted was a duvet. Everyone else did too. Seems those nasty bugs are starting to attack....

One more day and I have two days off though. Yay!

It was been stormy and rainy and windy today. Sometimes days can be very wild down here. Like living in a cloud too. Very grey. One thing I really love though, is watching seagulls flying in a windy grey sky. They wheel about so gracefully but also, there is something about the monotone of it, the way their wings and bodies fade in and out as they cross the shades of grey. Sometimes you just see white, so vivid against the grey, so white. Sometimes they match and all you can see is moving wingtips and the body, a dot of black...

I always get the feeling that they rather enjoy a windy day. They never look like they work so hard at flying when the wind is up. No hard slog of flapping across the sky, they ride those gusts and swirl in elegant pirouettes.

So I came home and painted some and I quite like it, but it is such a veeeeeery simple piece. The only thing I don't like is that it is wet so the flash shines off it. So, grey can be cool, if you look in the right way and at the right time.
Another photo may follow when it is dry....

1 comment:

mel said...

that is AWESOME -- you have totally captured the way they wheel and dive....

ah, the much-maligned gull....in this, they've become beautiful and poetic....


ps. nice job BIGgin' it up with your neighbours ;)