Wednesday 12 January 2011

Mirror, Mirror....

Life changes.

Sometimes the next step on the path, things don't seem all that different.

Sometimes the next step on the path, one tiny thing changes, then everything is different.....

A new person has walked in to my life at work. A little different they are, from the norm. A different life, another pocketed sub-culture of the world. A step away from me and my life. But yet, there is something in common in us both in our spirit.

And already my neat, orderly, slightly lazy life is being shaken up and disturbed.

This goes beyond the innocent questions that cause me great difficulty. What happened to the LP? How on earth am i supposed to answer THAT? (and without getting myself into a world of trouble with the BOSS) I can't tell them what Boss is really like. I can't point out and explain the strange undercurrents, the odd rules (that appear to come from me, but come from some past Boss ruling). Oh yes, sometimes those questions, innocent and well meaning as they are, are very direct and difficult for me.

I do not want more trouble..... I have had more than enough of that!

It goes beyond that though. Questions are being asked of me. Blunt and direct, almost to the point of rudeness, she has already identified a past me, kept discreetly tucked away these days. Living as you believe. A challenge they fly through and one, perhaps, I handle differently.

Fun, challenging, but maybe I liked my cozy corner. Do I really want change? Do I really want to remember what I could have been, should have been? What I am?

1 comment:

mel said...

"at the center of your being, you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want" ~lao tzu

so i'm thinking she's wandered into your life for a reason...perhaps that's why you never left your job when it was so awful those months...

just a thought...;)

((((hugs)))) xo