Monday 28 February 2011

Food Flair

Some parts of me feel uncreative right now, as if I have turned my back on it all and walked away a little. Just because of time and energy. Well maybe not just, because I am thinking too, and readjutsing my life, again.

I have gone back to basics, food.

And there is a huge amount of creativity mixed up in food. I stand there with the raw ingredients in my pan and I look at my spice collection and my fingers fly to this pot and that pot. One night my ingredients might find themselves being Mediterranean, another they look further East.... Sometimes they take heart from the Americas.... Whatever I feel like.

but as my intuition takes me to herbs and spices, is it just about taste or is there more? Is there something of the self-diagnosing kitchen witch here? Am I prescribing myself things I need?

I find two things often creep into my food - paprika and fennel. These two probably more than any others. oh and black pepper.... that gets everywhere! I have just discovered that too much chilli does not agree with me at all.....

Apparently fennel seed is protective, very protective. It helps with negativity and harmful spells....

And paprika - harder to find as magic and paprika brings up lots of reviews but apparently it is for overcoming obstacles. I also know in a health sense it is good for firing up the metabolism a bit, so raising energy levels feels right. I guess it helps us jump over the obstacle.....

So if I had to prescribe myself two herbs knowing all the properties, then these two would actually be top of my list. But I didn't know all this and there they are in my food....

I am creating a new food basis for my life. for my health. not necessarily the most exciting thing to write about but. but I need it. It tops my list right now....

Also how can I write about the number of times I am undoing my crochet. A friend started a granny square for me in some icky coloured wool they had spare. Once I can get my granny square properly started, I will be off and running, poor tension and all. Really not exciting to talk about. A lot of effort for slow progress, but my last starting attempt was beginning to look as it should.....

1 comment:

mel said...

lol -i've tried crochet at least three times and it just doesn't 'stick' -- it's also hard on my wrists.....but i do love my knitting for it's meditative quality...

i love hearing about people cooking....i've always been intuitive in my cooking so it's interesting to hear about your herbs..
