Thursday, 15 September 2011

Circle Closing

I am in an odd place with regards to this blog right now. I have not left it, but I am in flux. I have had a single focus for so long that I feel a little focus-less right now. Normally my multiple interests wax and wane independently and there is always something. And there is things, but there is only so much I can write about my ancestors right now.

The infuriating search to try and discover more of my forebear who left some random part of Scotland, became a soldier, married a woman from East Anglia while in Ireland before maybe (a huge maybe based on dates) fighting in the Crimean, who may have then gotten his wife pregnant the second he returned to her in Ireland, staying there long enough to have that child born in Ireland before touring the country with kids being born all over the place.

*sigh* There was a fire in Ireland many years ago which destroyed most of their records including all their censuses. I only know about the marriage through others work and have no proof of even that. And junior was apparently born in some random part of ireland he wishes to make no reference to. I can't even work out what part of the forces my ancestor was in......

Anyway, so yes I have stuff going on. I am also planning and formulating things. I intend to spend a lot more time honouring my health and my body and I will have a lot more to say on that. I am still intending to attend my first ever shamanic drumming circle. I still have all the wedding stuff to finalise and to post here as well as post to individuals (including my family). I have a lot I will be writing about, just not much I feel the urge to write about now....

Also, this is the end of the year for me.... My own personal year. My birthday approaches and this always seems to be a time of gentle closure / rapid new growth. So yes lots going on and this blog will surely see it......


laoi gaul~williams said...

i always feel so much frustration over the loss of the Irish records~i am related to (that i know of to date) three Southern Irish families~Gaul, Sullivan and Flahavan and so far i have been able to find out the village my great, great grandfather was born in, the rest is such a huge blank and i want to know so much more

Suzi Smith said...

hi.... (smile).... struggling to say much at the moment... nothing wrong, just not enjoying being online, but wanted to drop by & send a ((((hug)))