Thursday, 23 August 2012

The Walking Dead

I am still struggling with opening the door to the Dead.  I have opened it part of the way but I am still really, really resisting opening it all the way and getting on with all this.  I have a friend who is a spiritualist medium and I have been promising to go to church for a couple of months now.  After years of never bumping into her and falling out of contact, I first had a dream in which getting her number featured and then within the following two weeks I did see her and I did get her number.  Ever since this I keep bumping in to her, just often enough to remind me I need to go....

This year the Dead have slowly been walking into my life.  Some of my Ancestors have spoken really strongly as I have learnt of them and I know they swirl around me now.  One managed to intrude on my dreams earlier in the year and definately has some unresolved, mostly because he wanted his story to be told, he didn't want to be forgotten.

On Sunday I was supposed to go but I got a little freaked again.  Earlier in the day I was looking at old photos and the family tree and matching up some people.  The album had been sat at an angle on the desk for some time when it suddenly slid off into my lap.  It only did this once in a couple of hours.  The two pieces of paper I had flat on the desk that had names of who was in which photo shot of f the desk less than two minutes later.  There was no breeze, nothing else moved, no windows open, no doors opened, nothing.  No good reason for them both to shoot off at all.

I know someone was there.  I know my Ancestors have things they want to say to me.  I know I have gotten better with all this, it's like we send each other postcards every so often, but they want to actually meet up...

I have been having some omens of disagreements between buzzards and Crow recently and I have just discovered that Buzzards count as Vultures....  Which really puts a different slant on things.  The other day I watched Crows and Magpies chase a Buzzard off their turf.  Vultures are definately about Death and Crows are all about the Inbetween, which includes Death and Magic and all sorts of things....

I am sure I will get there eventually but I have a feeling I am really dragging my heals....

1 comment:

Suzi Smith said...

Ahh... once in a dream a buzzard morphed into a vulture. I didn't know they could be classed as the same. But then it changed into a bald eagle!

Methinks you have a gift rosie darlin... what scares you?