Monday, 21 November 2011

Magical Propaganda

I believe in magic. I believe magic is a term that covers a wide range of phenomenon that many others might not call magic, including prayer.

I am currently considering conspiracy theories and the whole propaganda through the TV thing. Because I can. I think a lot of this conspiracy stuff is becoming mainstream, slowly. As I look at it, I realise that so much of it, no longer seems as extreme to me as it once did....

So magic and conspiracy... It occurred to me that if all these hthings that can be termed as magic really are real, what sort of propaganda would they use to discredit it?

And it occurred to me that so many of the TV programmes I watch are designed, in a way, to be misleading about magic. There are lots and lots of hidden messages about the supernatural in general....

1) To have power you have to be born to it. You need to be a hereditary witch or some such
2) You need to nearly die or be injured in some sort of initiatory fashion, such as a vampire or werewolf's bite.
3) You need to study for your entire life and will only gain true powere when you are old and dusty
4) Spirits are only good if they are dead loved ones come to visit - the rest are bad and should be feared
5) All supernatural phenomenon are bad and come from the negative side of religion, unless you happen to be one of the choosen few who fight the bad. You do not get to choose yourself.
6) Messing with the supernatural opens you up to demonic and other bad influences
7) Messed up, emotional people attract bad supernatural influences

And these are just ones that come to me when I am tired and am sat here at the end of the day writing.....

I do not believe these things to be true, although, like most good lies, there is a grain of truth in some. So in the teen witch programme - I get to see that they fight bad, did not choose themselves, attract bad supernatural phenomenon, are out of control but because they are born to it, they are fine.... In the vampire programme - well they get initiated and attract bad etc etc

This is not how I see magic at all.... I am sure magic can be a stronger presence than it is in my life but I am unsure how that would manifest exactly. For me, it is a ray of light shining through a cloud, the moon peeking through clouds as the wind pulls them past. It is hearing the right song at the right time, it is the friend who calls when you need them. It is so many wonderful little things that you could overlook if you expected them to be something else, something with fanfares of trumpets to announce it's presence maybe..... I think the subtle, ever present, is more powerful and more real, and I believe and it is there in my life everyday, should I but just take the time to open my eyes.

i enjoy a good story, but we should always be aware of what messages we take from the stories we listen to.


mel said...


you know, i'd never really considered the 'media message' concerning magic and the true, what you've said.

i have to say that i get more deeply mistrustful of ANY media message these days...


Rose said...

I think there is much more on this subject.... I think there is a lot more to think about and consider...

The thing is, sometimes we do not realise we are sucking up media messages....