Friday 14 December 2012

Music for the Moons

So I have so much to post about!  I am going to start with music because I have not posted my songs for the last three Moons and I want too....  The songs that jump out at me always seem to touch me at a deeper level when I actually read the lyrics, it isn't just the sound.

For the Moon of Welcome we had Faster by Within Temptation.  This just jumped off the radio at me....  We listen to Planet Rock a lot.  And I love the words too.  It is a song about the joy of living!  Which is great for Welcome!  Running towards life...  Not hiding, not accepting lies, not living with fear, accepting your feelings....

The delights of flicking through music TV channels brought me Lana Del Rey's Blue Jeans and I fell in love with it instantly.  I don't remember having heard it before.  The song is all about a relationship that goes south when he tries to give her more by growing his career and she loses him to it.  Except that it is clear from the song that he will always be the only man for her and in the video you see them both sinking beneath the water together, and there is a light shining up at them.  Everything about this song makes me think of true love and past lives, that strongest of emotions that can and does survive death.  I feel like this.  I think F and I have been here together many times and this is what I guess I affirmed this last time throught his moon....

Finally for the Moon of Drama we have Tom Petty's Learning to Fly.  I heard this on Planet Rock again and loved it but wasn't sure if it was truly my song for the month and forgot about it until a dream this week brought it back and I woke with it in my head...  It has been there ever since!  The more I look at it and think about it and watch the video. the more inspired by it I am.  He is a very clever song writer for sure.  To me, this song is all about Drama and dealing with it, learning to live with things after they have happened, the good and the bad without letting them get you down.  Be those dramas atomic weapons testing, drugs, love or the death of JFK, we can't stay in that moment and we have to learn how to keep our equilibrium or regain it quickly, so we can keep on flying....

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