Friday, 7 October 2011

Change A Foot

I always planned to change things up a little after the wedding - to look at my health properly and look at how I can change my life in a way that truly works for me. Time to sort myself out.

So I bought things with my birthday money - Tai Chi DVD's and book, Neuro Linguistic Programming book, Alexander Technique books. Things that have been burbling in the back of my head as being good, gentle places for me to start.

The Alexander Techique is all about good posture to reduce stress on the body. How you stand, how you sit, how you move. of course many of these things start with the feet.... and my feet always hurt. They turn over badly as well. My masseuse (sounds sooo posh! I have regular lymphatic detox massages and i soooo need them) said that my recent exercise had caused put my legs out of alignment because my arches were weak in my feet.

This made me think about feet as relates to walking and posture and body a bit. F went to see a Podiatrist some years ago and I decided to book an appointment and go see what he had to say about how my feet work.

He had a lot to say. he is no longer a Podiatrist who focuses solely on support - he focuses on strengthening so you no longer need support. I have nice new supportive insoles with wedges to correct my feet but I also have a spiky ball and foot exercises to do.

He also advised which trainers to get and I went out and bought them. Just wearing my new trainers with my insoles for half a day and I could feel the difference. My feet did not hurt last night, or this morning when I got up. i can't remember the last time that happened. Being overweight does not help at all of course....

So all is good....


That is not the end of this post. We spoke about other healt related things and he suggested a whole range of other things I barely know anything about. One thing I felt very strongly from our conversation is that science is moving on, it is starting to look at and understand why some spiritual / faith things work.

Like grounding - except they call it earthing. it seems there is a growing body of research that is showing that walking bare foot and connecting to the earth is good for us. That it allows a natural flow of electricity if you like that helps clear up nasties in the bodies, like free radicals and antioxidants and all that stuff..... wow! How cool is that! I have some reading matter to go and investigate now but.... just wow.... Oh and some people have reported feeling better spiritually following grounding *grin*

This conversation surprised me and made me think of some other conversations I have had recently. There is someone I know who is a fanatic. He talks openly about conspiracy theories, UFOs and aliens (although more in the style of Graham Hancock really) and all nature of spiritual stuff. he is such a strong believer that it automatically makes people a little uncomfortable and puts him on the frings of things - which he is strong enough to accept.

I had the impression during one of our talks that he knows change is coming but he doesn't see it coming amongst everyday folk. I disagreed - I mentioned about the internet, how people talk here, share their lives, blog, change, grow. All in small ways mostly but we form a network of people that are gently changing and shifting. More and more people are like us, even scientists and professionals. Change is coming gently seeping through. The more open you are the more people you find - even when you are having your feet checked out.... People are opening up to the possibilities.

If there is a big change coming, it will be us that change it, not the fanatics, but they will help carry us through, they are the pioneers for sure. but it is the likes of us that will change society....

What do you think?Link


mel said...



i think the lunatics have the strength of conviction to carry the movement when it flags, that's for sure.

but i really think it's a quiet revolution....a subtle but powerful shift of focus and action.

like all of a sudden we'll wake up and realize things have changed without us really "noticing" it..although all the while we've been working away ourselves.


it's nice to be reminded of the fact we're not alone in this sometimes...sometimes i get very down about feeling the odd person out in my 'real life'...


glad your footsies are feeling better!


Rose said...

I thin that is part of the change - we are gathering confidence on line and learning and slowly but surely we will start to connect with others like us out there, beyond our computers....

And I wouldn't call them lunatics - although that is often how society judges them... I like fanatics more, because hey do get that fanatical gleam in their eyes.....

Leone said...

Michael Moore is my hero. He has the courage to tell the truth. Maybe lunatics and fanatics are really just truth-tellers. In North America we are mired in the craziness of right wing extremist christian dogma which seems far more fanatical than the truth-tellers.

Wonderful to hear you are you are focusing on your health. You were mentioning about your posture and I have noticed since I have been lifting weights my posture has improved so much. I sit and stand straighter without trying, I just happened to notice it one day. I only lift 2 to 5 pound weights and it only takes 45 minutes twice a week to make a huge difference. There is a book called Strong Women Stay Young by Miriam E. Nelson, PhD that you might like if you are interested. It really doesnt take a lot to make a change. I lift the weights twice a week and walk three times a week and have noticed an enormous change. Good luck with it all and thanks for your post. Very though provoking.