Saturday, 28 July 2012


Why do we Brits like to complain so much?  *laugh*

We complain about the weather, we complain about what we do have, we complain about what we don't have.  And sooo much complaining about the Olympics!  It's two weeks of wonder, let people have their moment without whingeing.  So what if Londoners have to deal with extra traffic - it is two weeks!

We watched the opening ceremony last night and I loved it!  So much in it and it made me laugh and cry.  I think it was very much about the best of British.  I liked the fact that a mound with well worn paths up it, reminiscent of Glastonbury Tor took centre stage - with a lovely big tree on top.  I think our pagan roots are there just bubbling under, everywhere you look in the UK, and more and more with every passing year.

I think as the dogma of the church recedes in this country so our pagan heritage is allowed to come to the for.  Now I have nothing against Christianity, or Roman Catholics, at least not these days, but, they have held so tight to control - of peoples faith, their lives and their politics.  And those three things have not always adhered closely to Jesus's teachings in my view.  I also don't believe the heart of pagan faith and Christian faith are so very different.  It's like two people stood in the same place, back to back, they see different thigns but are in the same place.

I admire and focus on nature but I don't worship it as such, I believe there is a unifying force that runs through it and that is what I believe some people call God.  Call it what you like.  Focus on which part of it you like - it is just too vast to focus on all of it.  Just don't lose sight of the fact we, all of humanity, live int he same world.

There were two waves of Christianity in the UK.  The first almost died with the Roman empire but survived in the Celtic nations and is known as Celtic Christianity.  It was much more mystical and blended together pagan and christian in a beautiful way.  Then the second wave came, the Roman Catholics.  This time it was all about control, politics, pomp, ceremony, money and power....  Maybe the Catholic church has mellowed, I don't know.  There are certainly some very vibrant mergings of the Catholic church and inidgenous religions on other continents.

Anyway!  Tree on hill all good....

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