Sunday 19 June 2011

The Wind Blows Through Me

It is interesting to hear Suzi say I sound more confident. Something this last while has switched inside of me. I say that something happened over the Winter, but that isn't quite true.

That Winter Solstice with the eclipse was... incredible....

It left me feeling so very, very tired. I could feel an energy flowing through me, but not an energy that I could 'tap into' to get things done. It was something else. I am sure I have heard Reya describe it as a download, or maybe it was someone else. After reading Supernatural, that kind of makes more sense to....

And as the energy dissipated and i returned to normal I realised that something had changed. I had changed. Very subtle, very small changes in some ways, but in others ways HUGE!

I no longer feel as cold. My body has altered in some way. I have all my life been the one to always wear a jumper. To wrap up. Two duvets at night on my side of the bed to F's one, thin one. And the hot water bottles.... Al last year at work, I would wear a jumper and hate the fans being on. i would be switching the heaters on and others would switch it off.

This year I am sat there with bare arms. No jumper. Very seldom have I turned the heater on, others have gotten there before me. Night sees my single duvet and my lovely think warm PJs confined to the draw. F suddenly is using more things to keep warm in bed than me.... A small subtle change that some may not even notice but... it is huge....

Then there is the internal me. I have always had a melancholy depressive streak, well not always, just since I was a teen. I worked long and hard to bring problems in my head out. I learnt how to manage myself. I learnt to live with that depressive streak. I practiced filling my life with joy. I learnt how to be contented. Then the wind blew threw me the day of the eclipse and that haunting of sadness was gone.

And yes, I am more confident somehow now. The reason the wedding is suddenly going ahead now after all these years is I have the strength to do it all of a sudden, and the ability to enjoy it all.

Maybe there has been other subtle changes. I do wonder if the virus that gripped my body for all those many years, has suddenly been expelled. Whether, i will begin to slowly, ever so slowly notice other changes to.

And so I have huge omens, the day of the lunar eclipse. I feel that same energy around the eclipse, or maybe a similar energy. Too similar for me to tell the difference! And I have been feeling so very, very tired again. But I can't help but wonder what differences i will notice in myself as the eclipse energies pass.


mel said...

ooooh..this gave me goosebumps to read!

i've loved watching this transformation in makes me incredibly happy.



ps. i can't comment on the rabbit post because it got me all in tizz -- The Bloody Cat must have found a nest and for three days we had the screams of dying rabbits outside the window and dead bodies to tidy up in the morning -- 'til we finally decided to lock the effer in at night. anyway, the whole idea of Rabbit as a totem animal freaked me out with all manner of dire implications...LOL


Rose said...

Thank you hun. You have transformed as well you know. Your creativity and soul are burning sooo bright!

Sorry about the rabbit post hitting a nerve *hug* I do understand how it can be rather upsetting....

Suzi Smith said...

you know... cars only used to have three gears... then 4...5 and now 6 is becoming the norm as performance increases... these 'downloads', a bit like being given an extra gear... perhaps the virus & other energy illnesses that so many suffer from are the symptom of needing a re-map to get the extra gear....

Rose said...

I have no idea.... I am sure someone will right a book about what is going on right now, eventually. I would kinda like to know sooner rather than later though *laugh*

Still going on. Less ferocious though, but I can still feel it. Exhausting....