Wednesday 4 May 2011

Master Money

We can never escape sorrow, or change. And the two often seem to come together. I was happy yesterday and no doubt I shall be happy tomorrow, once change is happening but for today, the knowledge that it is coming makes me sad.

It seems to me that money is what causes a lot of fast change, people if left to their own devices would change less abruptly. But at that point where things become uneconomical, it is as if a button gets pressed and peoples lives change and it seems so instant, although by the end of it, i suspect some of the people most affected will find it drags on far to long, once the wheels begin turning of course....

But then, they were turning some time before we even knew about it. Money works like that. It is not an entirely honest master, Money, is it?

1 comment:

Leone said...

As they say: "this too shall pass" and "the only sure thing in life is change." Take care. *hugs*