Monday, 1 August 2011

Pathways in the Brain

OK - so yesterday I was grumpy and I wrote on here to let off steam.... I love him no matter if sometimes I do feel like he needs a bit of a kick. And he always does spring in to action, he just likes to leave things a bit later and take advantage of that manic energy.....

Anyway, enough grumping about that (at least for now..... *laugh*)

So life does like to give you little pushes every so often. hints. paths glimpsed through the trees.... So here is a pathway through my wood....

This one began with Reya, of the Golden Puppy posting about an article she had read.

I read the article by one David Eagleman.

I was inspired to buy and read two of his books, but this pathway refers to Incognito.

I am quietly wowed by how bizarre and powerful our brains are and their many quirks....

**** the path meanders off quietly****

I start a correspondence with Wapeyit, which so far consists of suggestions and questions. The suggestion being that I develop my memory.

I buy a book called the Memory Book by Tony Buzan and tentatively begin delving. I am now able to wow people with my ability to remember ten unrelated words and repeat them back according to their number in a sequence - this is a short term memory trick though)

**** the path continues****

A colleague has been enthusing, repeatedly about Dynamo, the magician. Go here, here and here to see some wonders....

I watch an episode and am completely wowed by him. I wonder if his abilities would be any less astounding if you know how he does his tricks - I don't think just anybody could do what he does, even if they knew how.

A couple of days later I am catching up on ancient stored programmes on my sky box. I want a programme about the human body that focuses on the brain. Dynamo appears on it. It seems he has focused on improving things - his dexterity is so great, the brain can not quite keep up, his sense of touch in his fingers so refined he can tell how many cards he is holding, and as for his memory.....

****the paths start to twine together****

Life is defintely saying to me right now that I should develop my brain but that the brain can do stuff, with discipline, at such high levels that it looks like magic. And who is to say where the line that is magic should really lie? So I wonder, what realms my brain might be capable of taking me too and where this path might lead me..... maybe..... if I work hard enough....

****peers down the path with interest****

What do you think?


mel said...

i see this as the logical answer for you at this point....

as i recall, you've always felt 'brain-based' and struggled to reckon that with what more commonly passes as 'spiritual' it seems the two aren't separate at all...

i hope you carry on with it...

Rose said...

argh! I think our society is so damn smug and complacent! We like to think how far we have come and how great we are and how all those that came before us had no idea about anything!

Not true - in many ways they knew more than we do. We as a society are exploring one route pretty much but I think that is slowly changing... I hope it is.

There had to be a right path for me somewhere and nothing I did before was wrong - it was just prep work. Mind you all I am doing now is too!

I fully intend to carry on....