Tuesday, 3 January 2012


Do you ever get a little confused as to what has actually happened in the waking world and what has happened in the dream world? The edges of things seem a little fuzzy right now.

I came across a peace of knowledge earlier and I can not remember where it came from. I have no idea if I read it or not. I have searched for key words on blogs I read. I have searched for it on the net and not found anything that looks familiar, but I have found that what I was remembering is actually fact.

Is it that some thing I read some time ago has been brought back into my consciousness because it has relevance to something I am working on and that this happened while in a dream? Because I had an anathestic today I slept a lot this afternoon. Maybe I was half asleep and halw awake, thinking about things.

Does it actually matter?


Because if I am taking something from somewhere, i would actualy like to give credit (and if anyone reading this has any idea where I might have gotten it, please let me know!)

But what came back to me is talked about here....

I think wherever this came from, there was a discussion about how this mistranslation of the bible has shaped so much in the Western world. If good means ripe and evil means unripe in the bible then this has repercussions for everything.

This comes back to some things I am thinking about to do with earth energies at the moment. I know they seem like completely unrelated topics *laugh*

Anyway, have some way yet to go with my thinking.... and I need yet more sleep!

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