Tuesday 7 December 2010


I didn't sleep well last night. I woke in the middle of the night to find Little Dog squeezed right up between us. And she was very, very hot. Not surprisingly, so was I. And then I was very awake too.

I hadn't gotten to sleep last night at quite the right time either. So this morning I was awoken by my alarm, rather than awaking at the end of a sleep cycle. So I felt kinda blurry....

Then my car was frozen on the inside.

Then I got to the shop only to have my card refused. It's seems my account got an upgrade and they sent out a card that I never received but also, fortunately, never got used. So now I have to wait for a new card to arrive. F, the darling has agreed to lend me some money....

So I was late to work. Work was OK and I got home and played World of Warcraft for the first time in months which was nice, but odd..... My old guild never closed the door but people move on, form new links, you turn up again, where do you fit? It takes time....

In the past I would play every hour I could of every day. I do not want to go back there. I really do not. After a few hours I found myself feeling tired and my enjoyment had waned a lot, so I walked away. I am determined to keep that ability.

I wasn't in the mood for threading stars anyway!

1 comment:

mel said...

*grin* i still dabble a bit on Howrse....just to fill the gaps and can happily walk away -- don't want to go back to mindless hours wasted....sometimes we just need a little distraction.

hope you have a better sleep tonight...xo