Wednesday 27 April 2011

Click Your Heels

Well, the screen on my laptop has died so my time in Bloglandia is not what it was.... but hey, it is all good...

Painting is continuing with forays into the wonders of Satin Wood. Unfortunately the blue of the floor-sea was too solid (and blue) for the dreamy walls of our dream world so we have to return that particular pot of gold to the land of B&Q for someone else to find and get something special mixed up, just for us..... The powerful alchemy of colour!

It seems our walls have more of a tinge of turquoise than of blue and the blue just looked... horrific.... And the satin wood takes much much longer to dry so all is slowing up now, particularly as we can only do half of the bedroom at a time....

Will my wardrobes ever rise from their boxes?

Or will I just go quietly insane and have dreams of the poles and shelves that should have been haunting my sad dreams of a night....

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