Thursday 21 April 2011

The First Step

This week is the week of the wardrobe. F and I have eleven days to empty out our bedroom, paint it and erect our new wardrobe. It would be good to get the other furniture painted as well and to get the pallets and sand and paint them to.

F and I can be a laid back, a bit lazy if the truth be told. I really hope we get this all done. I am desperate for my wardrobes to be up and ready for filling. All chosen so the air can circulate and to fit our needs and our space. So we can stop keeping our clothes in plastic bags.

I bought paint on the way home. White and pale blue satinwood for the woodwork and the floors and the furniture. Near white bathroom paint for the walls called Jade white which has a slight hint of blue. I also bought some mould killer / remover to treat the walls before we paint. I chose the bathroom paint because of it's anti-mould properties and because it will be easier to wipe clean if it does start to get a bit musty behind the wardrobes. Cornwall and granite equals damp.

Hopefully this will enable us too start sorting ourselves out. Like a domino, these wardrobes will enable us to clear away the clothing, to sort through and remove what we don't want. This will make space in our lounge. Then we can clean up the sideboard and make some holes in the back to feed cables through. I figure the holes are better than getting rid of it..... Then we can decorate and move the lounge around.

Moving the sideboard makes space in the dining room. We also need to get rid of a piece of furniture we have been storing for a decade for someone.... Then the computer desks can come out of S's room, we can sort through his childhood stuff and turn it back into a room where someone could actually sleep....

This will probably take us years *laugh* One step at a time...


mel said...

it's true does have a domino effect and each task completed makes the next go much more smoothly...the energy starts to flow more easily.

and then there's the extreme JOY of having accomplished it...and the way your house will lighten and brighten almost instantly...


Rose said...

I am hoping the domino leads to them falling all over the house. The rest of the house is appearing duller and more cluttered in comparison.