Sunday 3 July 2011

Wedding Wishes

So I guess the wedding is on to phase 2 really....

The church and reception are booked. The order of service is agreed. The outfits are with their various experts and all that remains for us to do there is pick them up. The invites, and the subsequent correction, have gone out. There are four left to deliver by hand now and two of those will definitely go out today.

So now my thoughts are moving on.

Maybe I have not achieved much this weekend given I have had two days off as well.... but... a dress fitting, a suit booking, a ring discussion and a watch sorting with the jeweller, four hand delivered invites which required we stop for a nice chat too.... And yesterday I gathered me up some wishes.....

I am going to have a Make a Wish, Take a Wish thing, with a wish tree to hang the wishes people make for us on. So I went hunting on the web for blessings and I found lots of them and I pulled them apart. F and I are going to make up some humorous ones too, but I thought you might like a little looksie at them as they are now....

  • May the road rise to meet you
  • May the wind be always at your back
  • May the sunshine warm upon your face
  • May you be poor in misfortune and rich in blessings
  • May you know nothing but happiness from this day forward
  • May the warm rays of sun fall upon your home
  • May the hand of a friend always be near
  • May the strength of the wind and the light of the sun, the softness of the rain and the mystery of the moon reach you and fill you
  • May beauty delight you and happiness uplift you
  • May wonder fulfil you and love surround you
  • May your step be steady and your arm be strong
  • May your heart be peaceful and your word be true
  • May you seek to learn, may you learn to live
  • May you live to love, and may you love – always
  • May you always have walls for the winds, a roof for the rain and tea beside the fire
  • May you always have laughter to cheer you and those you love near you
  • May the sun shine all day long
  • May everything go right, and nothing wrong
  • May those you love bring love back to you
  • May all the wishes you wish come true
  • May luck be your friend in whatever you do
  • May trouble be always a stranger to you
  • May your belly never grumble
  • May your heart never ache
  • May there always be work for your hands to do
  • May your purse always carry a shilling or two
  • May the sun always play on your window pane
  • May a rainbow chase after each spot of rain
  • May the roof overhead be well thatched and those inside well matched
  • May the saddest day of your future be no worse than the happiest day of your past
  • May the roof above us never fall in and the friends gathered below it never fall out
  • May your mornings bring joy and your evenings bring peace
  • May your troubles grow few as your blessings increase
  • May your hands be forever clasped in friendship and your hearts joined forever in love
  • May the blessing of the rain be on you, may it beat upon your Spirit and wash it fair and clean
  • May the blessing of the earth be on you, soft under your feet as you pass along the roads, soft under you as you lie out on it, tired at the end of day
  • May flowers always line your path and sunshine light your day
  • May songbirds serenade you every step along the way
  • May a rainbow run beside you in a sky that’s always blue
  • May the blessing of light be on you - light without and light within
  • May your past be a pleasant memory
  • May your future be filled with delight and mystery
  • May your now be a glorious moment that fills your life with deep contentment
  • May dawn find you awake and alert, approaching your new day with dreams, possibilities, and promises
  • May evening find you gracious and fulfilled
  • May you go into the night blessed, sheltered, and protected
  • May the face of every good news and the back of every bad news be toward us
  • May every good seed you have planted bear fruit and late summer find you standing in fields of plenty
  • May you have for every storm, a rainbow
  • May you have for every tear, a smile
  • May you have for every care, a promise and a blessing in each trial
  • May you have for every problem life sends, a faithful friend to share
  • May love and laughter light your days and warm your heart and home.
  • May good and faithful friends be yours wherever you may roam.
  • May peace and plenty bless your world with joy that long endures.
  • May all life's passing seasons bring the best to you and yours!
If we had not attended two rock concerts this weekend, which were tiring and required I sleep lots the day after, then I am sure I could have achieved more... but... *shrugs* I have to have some fun! *laugh*

Not sure how much I shall get done today either! Well except for a visit to a guest to deliver an invite and ask many questions *laugh*

1 comment:

mel said...

oh...those are so lovely.

i love the idea of a wishing tree...


i wish....

