Friday 1 July 2011

Fat Beat

We have been to a couple of open air concerts this last week... Last weekend was a cloudy night with patches of fog drifting across the land between the seas... In the pit the cloud and fog served to keep the warmth in and I was almost wearing too much, an unusual happening for me! But then I guess I was dancing too....

Last night in the pit was different, not as dancey, a beautiful clear evening that quickly got cold. I froze. I was not even warm by the time we got home.... What made it all worse was this. I can handle walking up and down the walls of the pit. It is tiring but I can do it. What I can not handle is there being no park and ride buses at the top. The road and the car parks spiral out from the pit, getting higher and higher as they go. Our car park was close but 600m uphill is too much extra for me, when cold, tired, sore. F had to go get the car and come down for me... And I was still cold by the time we got home....

Last weeks concert was so well attended that the very furthest car parks were full and the park and ride was going all night....

We go again tonight and I shall be wearing a lot more for sure. But now I am worrying about the walk etc.

Yesterday we went to see a friend and we briefly talked of weight in relation to health programmes etc. I said I was happy with my life but I won't mind being thinner and fitter but that I wasn't unhappy. I would like clothes that fit better and I would like not to face the health issues coming my way but the rest of it *shrug*. Yesterday evening kinda made me look at this again....

Am I happy? Being obese is a silent disability. One ignored. Glossed over. If we had stopped and said to the parking steward, could we park further down, closer because my good lady is fat and can not handle the walk would he have let us go further down? How embarassed would we be if we have to do that?

A wheelchair and no one blames the person. They might patronise, pity, avoid or any other number of discriminatory activities but there is a silent blame in being obese. You bought this on yourself. Get on and do what all these other people are doing and you will be less obese.

Thanks. That makes me feel great. Pain and misery are so motivating!


1 comment:

mel said...


as in all things, people can be blindly judgmental concerning obesity....and so it creates a stigma which in turn creates an atmosphere of shame. which is unfair, because what/how much a person eats is only a symptom of the issue surrounding an over-weighted person.

as in all things, more compassion is needed...

much love...xoxoxo