Monday 4 October 2010

Song of the Bad Witch

I am not sure how I feel right now. Tired, frustrated, sad, angry? Pissed off because work shouldn't come home in my emotions with me. Relieved my Boss is on leave tomorrow... Debating whether I should go see her Boss tomorrow....

Today she decided to move our radio - to piss off a colleague in another department and to please another one in that same department. I was not happy and I told her so and why. She didn't like that much. The person she was trying to piss off, predictably, got pissed off. Words were had and the radio went in the bin with comments aimed at me for having complained....

She moved the radio so that it was more noise than music, more distraction than distracting. She moved it from the side with my undamaged ear to the side with my bad ear. Every noise drowned out the music, I could hear everyone talking outside. It was worse than having no music.

I wasn't rude, I wasn't unpleasant. She was.

So now I get to do my job with no music. Painful silence. The sound of people not talking to each other. If she wanted to carry on annoying the other person she would have put it back on, in it's original position. Instead she put it in the bin, to annoy me.

Sooooo glad that she is not in tomorrow. I am getting tired of this. This cycle of hate and disguise. I have been debating whether I would leave if I won the lottery and right now the answer is yes and I would not give her a penny either....

I did do one little thing. I am not sure whether I am proud of myself for doing something or whether I think it is an abuse.... My spells are simple little things, rhymes spoken inside my head mostly. Few and far between. A little rhyme, a simple little thing, a witchly sort of a thing. Sending skin problems.... on the face.... To someone who can not bear to be seen without an inch of make up....

Right now I can not feel guilty. And sitting here, I realise I am completely calm about work again right now at least. And do I feel guilt about that little spell? No. It will either work or it won't and I take responsibility for it. The threefold paying back of the karma from it is a small thing in the grand scheme of it all. And maybe the bad she has done me will completely cancel it all out? I donate my next boil or abscess to the karma cause....

So am I a bad witch?


mel said...

*giggle* -- i'm laughing only because of the idea of a pustular hairy wart on her face amuses me greatly.

ah, she sounds a malicious ogre and karma will catch up with her in the end -- i see little harm in setting up a few road signs so that it gets there faster....;)

then again, i've been known to wish festering boils on people myself...all quite innocent in the grand scheme of things, methinks...


Rose said...

*hug* thank you Hun.

Sad thing is, any success on my part is likely to only make her more bad tempered and for that I will surely suffer!