Monday 22 November 2010

Blood and Frost under the Full Moon

Another one of those nights when I sit here at the keyboard and I just start typing, waiting for something to appear, something to start pouring out. I am tired. Today was just an ordinary day. Nothing interesting, no exciting thoughts.

I would like to talk about my full moon dreamboard but I have not scanned it in yet and without showing it there seems little point.

So lets talk about the previous one!

Well blogger is playing up and won't let me upload the photos again but I posted them before with the full moon dreamboard tag.

The colours were dark. Night skies. Lots of sky. Lightning and a blasted tree. That all kind of fits with the hard month it has been. The stones on the hill are a solid deep foundation - something I have and sooo had to draw on to get me through. The kite is flying high with my dreams and the fox is skulking around, treading carefully, oh I wish I had been more like that fox. And the tai chi folks? peace and calm. I also included words 'this way to the future', 'the way' and 'wyrd'. Now they just seem to mean to me, that this is the right path, a hard one, get through it. Not sure about the bottles or the plough constellation.....

So what do I have this month? Brightly coloured paper candle lanterns floating on water. Peacock feathers arranged in a circling pattern. A field perched on the edge of a cliff in an arid, epic landscape. Ancient ruins in a dry landscape. Ancient ruins somewhere else, maybe near the sea. A young person, lying on the ground, surrounded by chalk lines and candles as part of a Venezuelan rejuvenation ritual that is part of the Maria Lionza cult. I also have the words begin and discover.

I really like this dreamboard. If this is my month to come, then it is a more comfy month in some ways. Beauty, serenity, rejuvenation, beginnings, discoveries, oases's of discovery in apparently bleak landscapes. OK, so maybe not an easy month, but with any luck it will be a month where I have beauty and serenity, even if the circumstances around me are a little less than fertile. And the peacock feathers? No idea, apart from that they are very, very beautiful....

I look forward to re-interpreting my Dreamboard at the end of the month and seeing what it says to me then, with the power of hind sight.....


mel said...

that's not something i'd thought of -- the retrospective on a previous dreamboard -- really interesting idea.

i've never done one of those....

i blame a general lack of magazines from which to cut out pictures...:)


Rose said...

I got brave and started slicing National Geographics! *gasp* I also grabbed a couple of tourist leaflets I saw when I went to the chippie!