Sunday 28 November 2010

False Awakening

I am beginning to wonder why my dreaming progress is so quick. Is it just that it was the right time - years of curiousity about my special dreams, coupled with a healthy dose of intention? Is it a gift from spirit? A natural talent? Something I am remembering from a past life?

And it is quick - a week ago I was lucky if I was aware of one dream a night!

Last night, i thought at some point in the night how I had not had any dreams and I was a bit disappointed - and then I remembered them. I had gone to sleep with the stated intention of receiving some answers about my lack of energy. Now I need to interpret the dreams I remember from last night.

I am starting to understand that for me the line between dreaming and waking is somewhat blurred already. I think while I am a sleep and remember those thoughts. I can have reached a conclusion about a dream or something and remember it when I wake and know that I thought it. I have rewritten the ends of dreams previously, consciously.

One thing I have read is that there is no point trying to develop lucid dreaming until you can remember two dreams per night because what is the point in dreaming lucidly if you can not remember it? The experiences of the writers of the book suggested that it would be obvious that you were lucid dreaming - they woke themselves up with their own excitement.

I woke up this morning with the possibility that I started lucid dreaming and woke up straight away after. I have just read something on Wikipedia that gives another possibility, one not mentioned in my book - false awakening.

It seems that a lot of people who dream lucidly, dream they wake up. This is quite a cunning way of dreams trapping us! It can however lead to bedwetting and the like because people think they are awake, but they are not....

So last night I was asleep, I was dreaming and I remember thinking 'I AM DREAMING!' but then nothing happened, the dream stopped. I was just lying there with my eyes shut so I thought oh well, I was obviously awake, opened my eyes, shut them and went back to sleep. Except, I am not convinced I was awake.... I wonder what would have happened if I had gotten up? Gone out? Would I have felt cold snow under my feet?

I never expected my first lucid dream world to be just like this one. I never expected nothing to happen!

Clearly though, this dreaming, there is a lot to learn, no matter how smoothly things appear to be going, how quickly....

But I also have to work out my own personal symbology for the dreams I had last night and I don't think that is any simple thing...


mel said...

that's really interesting....i think i must do that -- sometimes i have to ask myself if i've dreamt something or i was awake -- it's a very odd, disjointed feeling.

can't wait to hear about your symbology!!

how is it that you go about trying to remember your dreams?

Rose said...

Remembering... needs practice. but mostly it needs intention. Put a journal and pen by your bed and make sure you have something to see with. Write down any scrap of dream you remember. It helps to think about your dreams just after you wake, before you move or open your eyes. Also you can state your intention before you sleep - I want to remember!

(look at me here! A week and I get to talk like an expert! *laugh*)