Saturday 27 November 2010

Dream BIG

I wrote this post on the BIG blog today and thought I would post it here as well..... Even though a lot of this is not so new here...

Something has opened inside me. A door, a flood gate. But open all the same, no matter what it is. The change has not happened in my waking life, but in my dream life.

I have always had the occasional powerful dream. A couple of years ago for instance I had a dream where I had two beautiful big guardian dogs and some firm authoritative figure wanted to take one of them. Three weeks later one of my two beloved dogs, slipped and couldn't walk properly. On going to the vet it turned out that a bone cancer had been hidden in his shoulder joint...

Suddenly this last week or two, my dreams have been picking up a pace, not just the normal dream drivel either but the occasional dream of the other sort to. One morning I dreamt someone was telling me I should learn only one thing at a time and I had a choice. I saw a book and each page was something I could learn. The first was cooking (I can cook just fine but I don't think it meant THAT sort of cooking...) a few pages I can not remember and then a page entitled dreaming. And then my beloved's alarm went off...

I bought a book called Dreaming Realities by Julie Silverthorn and John Overdurf and this has been very interesting so far. Obviously I can not share all the material here but it can be divided into parts, the first part deals with the science of sleep, the second with some techniques and the third with more detailed instructions. The techniques I have read about so far are incubation, interpretation and lucid dreaming but it is incubation and interpretation I wanted to talk about here...

because it reminded me of BIG.

Incubation is all about asking your dreams questions. Interpretation is all about understanding your own personal symbology. The book talks about dreams being from the higher consciousness. The message goes through to the unconscious which turns it into a dream which the conscious mind can interpret. I think that what we have learnt in BIG is the same thing, except the unconscious turns the message into art....

So I am working on my art and my dreaming and they are kind of meeting in the middle. I have no idea where the two will take me, for surely my life can not remain unchanged with such forces at work?


mel said...

oh, i'm so freakin' excited for you....really -- i'm fizzing over....


Rose said...

I think you are more excited than I am! *hug*