Friday 26 November 2010


I love people with thoughts and opinions. I love people who can have a discussion. I don't neccessarily want them to end up agreeing with me. I want to be able to talk and discuss. I want them not to get frustrated and angry that I don't come round to their point of view. I want to be able to end a good discussion with an amicable agreement to disagree or agree or anything inbetween as appropriate.

People have a right to believe whatever they want. I can quite often see both sides of the fence. The world is full of grey, very few things are truly white or black. It is the shades of grey that make everything else look more beautiful. The shades of grey are beautiful.

Every so often, a lovely reasonable person, with interesting views and opinions takes that step. That step to far (as far as I am concerned) and becomes a fanatic. Fanaticism by it's very nature excludes other viewpoints, refuses to accept others may have any validity to their point of view. Fanatics often get so wrapped up in whatever they are fanatical about that all else gets excluded from their lives, it is an unhealthy, unbalanced way to be.

We all have things we can be a little fanatical about and the use of that word is like a little warning bell, be careful, watch your step, this is becoming unhealthy.


We need fanatics. They are utterly fearless, they challenge society, they make things change by their severe determination. If you belong to the same religion as your fanatic you would perceive them as being right. If you are a fellow environmentalist, then fanatical environmentalism seems brave and right.


Fanatics have to have ethics mixed up with their fanatical viewpoints. They have to have limits to what they will do in pursuit of their views. They need to have sympathy for human frailities.

I believe in the environmental cause. I really do, scientifically, to me, so much of it makes sense. I want to live a more environmentally friendly life. I am happy to accept half measures. A company that has tackled one environmental aspect can be supported. They are more worthy than the company who pays environmental causes no heed but probably a lot more accessible to the average member of the public than a solution which is entirely great in it's environmental credentials.

I would love to live in an eco-house but they cost money. I have done some things.... we have loft insulation and double glazing. We use energy saving lightbulbs (and have for years). We turn off lights. We use Ecover washing products. I use Lush toiletries whenever I can. We recycle. We have a whole bunch of secondhand items in our home. Progress is slow but one day, one day we will make another step. These little steps are all valuable in their own right. Imagine if everyone was able to make these few steps that I have?

But to the fanatic, my little steps probably don't count for much.

(and I have no idea where todays subject came from or why.)

1 comment:

mel said...

hmmmm...i'm not very good with fanaticism..although i may have been one, once or twice in the arrogance of my youth...;)

i think if every person did one small would amount to much greater than all the rantings and ravings of a handful of lunatics..i mean, fanatics...
