Thursday 2 September 2010

The Dish with Nine Lives

Have you ever cooked a truly vile dinner? One that should have been lovely but just goes wrong?

I failed to parboil the potatoes enough. I put the spices in too soon and they started to singe so I turned the heat down. My attempt to fry my veg before adding the stock and tomatos was therefore a failure....

I failed to realise all this though.

So then I had to add water and chop up all the potato much smaller.

The food went from a pan to a wok as the volume increased with all the water to my stew pan as I realised it was all wrong.... A second kettle full of water and a load more spices as the water evaporated and took the flavour with it....

And STILL it cooks!

For so long now, it has been cooking in one form or another.


And still the potato has a bit of that uncooked-ness about it. And I know that if I had cooked it as a stew it would have been done ages ago!

No idea what it will taste like when it is finally done but the taste I just had was rather bland - despite an earlier accident with the fennel seed jar. Thankfully F is not here and waiting for his tea....

Over two hours of cooking and all I have is potential waste so on I doggedly cook...


I don't understand this dish. How come the number of potatoes I have seems to be reducing but yet I still have some crunchy-ish potato and carrot!


Well, finally i got to eat - about 3 hours after I started!

...and it was good!

All those spices added at different times seems to have given it layers of taste. It is lovely. I am sure I must have boiled out all the nutrients but hey! so I was aiming for large lumps of potato and veg with a think tomato based sauce lightly covering them... and I got a thin soup with smallish lumps of veg

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