Monday 13 September 2010

Reasons to be Happy

I don't much like my job. Mostly because of my boss but some days it just is so routine and dull. If nothing exciting happens, I spend my days entering data. Today I feel really tired, not sure why, but things are fine...

I have many reasons to be happy.

1) My Boss was absent today! Yay and yay again!

2) My Happy Book finally arrived and it is lovely..... So many lovely ideas and things to do and think about. So much joy within one book....

3) I spoke to F earlier in the day and knew he was doing tea. I had no idea what he would cook. When I met F over 7 years ago, he didn't really cook. I can take no credit for his learning, he is a pretty determines sort of a chap! So what did he cook? Lasagne... Not with sauces out of a jar or anything, he cooked the sauces! he made a white sauce! I so have noooo idea how to do that.... It was so lovely!

4) There is left over lasagne so that I can have some for lunch as well! Yay!

5) My Mum found my trollbead bracelet (no beads as yet but a lovely bracelet, tree troll catch and safety chain). I thought I had lost it but it seems I left it in a pot on the dressing table in the spare room.

6) My dog is all cute and cuddly and keeping my feet warm.

7) My hair isn't showing orange quite yet...

Oh and have some cows! These made me smile today!

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