Friday, 18 March 2011

Free my Body

Sometimes when you are looking for one thing, you find another. This happened to me last night. i was curious about Jamie Sams, author of Medicine Cards and Dancing the Dream. I have questions, lots of questions. So I thought I would hunt and see what I could find.

I didn't expect to find an explanation that matches my own viewpoint on my illnesses and takes it on further.

Stealth Viruses

This view believes that many illnesses such as Cancer, Multiple Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue and more have a viral component and that these viruses can lie dormant in the body and are very difficult to spot. They also recur.

I had glandular fever twice in my teens. It dragged on and was very much Chronic Fatigue. Over time I have gotten better and I am almost normal now. I get tired. I sleep for 9 hours a night generally.

When I first met F I was napping every weekend and sometimes after work. 6 years before that, my day began when my boyfriend got home and ended when he went to bed - it was that short. I am improving. This year I have managed to avoid catching the cold that have lain everyone I work with low. I survived the last stock check pretty well.....

Twenty years.

I was told it was caused by Epstein barr virus by doctors then I met a homeopathist who used electro acupuncture and she confirmed the Epstein barr virus diagnosis. She gave me doses of the virus as a antidote or vaccine to show my body how to deal with it, how to look for the virus. It worked and my improvement was marked. But long term, the recovery of my body has been slow. But at least my body has been able to recover.

And here I am reading of Stealth Viruses. I didn't expect to find that she is a sufferer or that vaccines manufactured using animal proteins is one way these viruses have been spread. The recent MMR vaccine Autism scare / case is an example of stealth virus infections caused in this way.

Reading about how things have come along since my last bout and all the surrounding symptoms makes me sad. Even things like my feeling cold and my dry eyes are symptoms. It also makes me wonder if I will ever fully recover. It seems full recovery tends to occur within five years if it is going to. Some people gradually recover but never completely get better. Others never get better or get worse. i think I have gradually gotten better....

So if I never get fully better? I guess I know this. I can deal with my life as it is now. I dealt with it when it was worse. I will deal with whatever else comes my way.

There is also a link with depression. It seems if you are depressed before you get it, they won't diagnose CFS but I became depressed shortly after. I have suffered from depression on and off ever since. Whatever cahnged in me, seemingly rather suddenly this Winter, has resulted in me feeling that that cloud has lifted. Maybe it is the virus lessening it's hold a little more.

The virus has had huge effects on my life. It has affected my abilities, the way I cope with life, every decision I have ever made really, since I became ill. I live with it and I count myself lucky that I have gotten better. Maybe one day science will have an answer and my body will be free.


Suzi Smith said...

mmm... fits in with my thinking too. ((hugs))

Anonymous said...

hi i popped over from moondreamin' (hi suzi:) i've just wrote a mega comment here and its been eaten by blogger..gutted lol. anyway basically i was just wittering on about how i can relate to this stuff.. i had/have cfs, almost back to normal now..but will never be the same physically methinks..or mentally for that matter..but i tend to think that the whole thing has also had a very positive affect on my life..wouldnt have said or thought that 4 year ago lol, especially when it stripped me of my (fierce) independance :o)

i do understand some of what you are going through though and if you ever want to have a chat about this stuff please dont can get in touch through my blog.

i've read a few of jamie sams books.. love her really resonates. i had no idea that she had cfs either.. interesting links.

take care.. xx

Rose said...

I can't imagine where I would be now without the twists and turns it has brought in to my life. One thing it has done, continuously is give me a chance to stop and re-evaluate where I am going. If I had been well and going full throttle and things had been easier, where would I be? Not in a better place than where I am now.... I like here.