Sunday 27 March 2011

Of Mice and Men

Not a day that has gone to plan.

It was supposed to be an S day. Normally F would pick him up from the FMIL but this weekend S was off to a sleep over and we had to go pick him up. After a text or two and a call to Grandpa we discovered he had not gotten home yet so we decided to get on with our day.

S called us while we were out. Where are you. Are you still coming over. Yes, if you want us to. Off we go. S is no sooner in the car pretty much than he asleep. He sleeps through F going into a shop. He stays a sleep when we get to the market but wakes enough, under pressure, to nod his head about staying in the car.

Half the market has been packed up. Waiting around for his call and then trekking over to get him has made us too late. We don't stay long. We return and inform S we are taking him back home and he barely wakes up.

We get back to his house and he wake, why are we here? *sigh* Turns out his Grampa had to wake him when we got there. He also admitted to watching horror films with his mates till 6 in the morning. We eventually went and got some food with him and then dropped him.

Hours driving backwards and forwards on a Sunday afternoon because a teen can't turn round and say, not this weekend Dad. Or even, maybe leave it till this evening Dad? And then he is grumpy with us *giggles*.

Was I this self absorbed when I was a teen? Was I this stubborn? *laughs* Best laid plans....

Back to slicing up old clothes. I figure there is no point buying the hessian or rag rug making tool until I have all the clothes chopped and given I want a random coloured rug in blues with a little grey and white. I need some of every single item of clothing pretty much chopped before I start.... Lots and lots more chopping to go....

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