Friday 4 March 2011

Rabbit Dreams


So getting the rabbit totem is not exactly what everyone wishes for.... How much help can the fear-caller be? Who wants to call fear to themselves anyway?

Writing last night I was trying desperately hard to understand, to not let my skin crawl at the thought of calling fear to me. I was being positive.

I guess Rabbit appreciated my efforts because last night I received a little demonstration.


I am on holiday with my family. No F. My parents, my sister and her two kids. We all arrive in our separate groups and immediately everyone is off doing things. My parents together, my sister and her two together. Each time they all go off and forget about me. I am left waiting at the car while they have a lovely picnic somewhere and every so often one of the kids appears to collect some juicy food item to add to their picnic, not noticing that I had lain a picnic out for all of us.....

They all eventually return to the cars and I let loose all my anger and frustration at being alone. The reaction is one of horror and why didn't you say? We thought you wanted to be alone.....


And then I wake up.

F is on his side of the bed and Little Dog is asleep between us. I am very awake and alone and the residual feelings linger from the dream.

I know if I let myself stay in this moment, I won't get back to sleep and the dream feelings will linger (another aspect of Rabbit). So I get up and go to the bathroom and then return to bed.

Little Dog gets up to let me settle back in. F sleeps on, but he has the ability to understand and respond to simple concepts in his sleep WITHOUT waking. So with no guilt, I said cuddle. And he happily moves into position and I scoot up next to him. Little Dog, not entirely happy that she is no longer the sandwich filling, snuggles up on my other side.

I feel happy and warm and loved and sleep comes to visit again.

I don't think Rabbit could have given a better demonstration of it's power. Not a comfortable totem, not an easy totem but one that is surprisingly useful and powerful. Rabbit also has a very different voice from my other totems and I suspect will always stand clear. I have more than enough predators and animals that are able to take care of themselves after all.

I think if you listen to Rabbit, and work with Rabbit, then you can receive valuable insights in where to start digging. Rabbit knows where all the bones are buried.

Thank you Rabbit. I might leave a peace of carrot by where I park my car as I leave work, and I apologise if it is not dark enough to discourage the Magpies.

1 comment:

Suzi Smith said...

yaay...this style works, can comment now!

mmm, i have rabbit in the mix too & can create some powerful fearful scenarios if i don't catch myself... but the opposite is true too ie powerful positive stuff. Like you find... i had a similar initial reaction but once i dug a bit deeper into rabbit psyche there's a goldmine of qualities to draw on...